Join The NEW SoberPunks Gang!

Hi everyone,

This isn’t really a proper blog post, but rather an invitation to join our new Facebook group SOBERPUNKS GANG.

The idea is simple – it’s a group aimed solely at people who are either sober, or trying to get sober, and who need a place to connect with other people in the same boat. The group was set up a couple of weeks ago, and we already have over 200 members – with lots of good discussion and debate going on. Lot’s of really REALLY terrible jokes and memes on there too. Continue reading

Sobriety & Ducks: Becoming A Proper Human

The office where I work, tucked away on a pleasant little industrial estate in Northampton, is surrounded by natural beauty. The area itself is called ‘The Lakes’, which gives you an idea of what to expect, and one amazing side effect of it’s location is that we get an abundance of wildlife – more than you would ever expect to see so close to busy roads and office buildings. Continue reading